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How To Be Spiritually Healthy: Journey to 300~ Day 80

How To Be Spiritually Healthy

Too many believers do not take the time to get a checkup on their inner life. They often do not connect the problems they face and the possibility that the root cause is spiritual. While many symptoms show up, these are typically ignored until a crisis moment arrives. Only then do we have to choose to recognize the need to hold a mirror up to our souls and see what is going on inside? Fortunately, the Bible gives hope by showing us how to be spiritually healthy in our lives!

Throughout the book of Psalms, David considered the condition of his inner life. “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation.” Psalm 42:5 (ESV) Submitting to the nudge of the Holy Spirit, he took time to look within and determine the true state of his spirit and soul.

If we don’t take time to recognize the health of our soul, we can easily end up on the path to burnout and possible self-destructive behaviors. More importantly, If you take the time to address the unhealthy symptoms, you will find freedom in your life! Jesus proclaimed,“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 (ESV)

This freedom happens because we apply the truth of scripture to the reality of our soul to be healthy again. When this happens, we not only apply principles to our walk, but we become reconnected to our source. Our experience with our Heavenly Father becomes transformational, impacting every area of our lives.

Stay Connected to Stay Spiritually Healthy!

To keep us connected and healthy, we must be proactive by guarding our hearts. The writer of Proverbs tells us, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.” Proverbs 4:23 (ESV) Taking care of our souls is one of the highest priorities we have in our walk with the Lord!

Spiritual renewal begins with realizing that we cannot stay in the unhealthy spiritual state we are in. When we have the faith and courage to take the first steps and look inside, we can determine the things that drain or replenish our souls. We cannot leave self-examination to a crisis moment but rather deter a crisis in our lives.

The spiritual disciplines of prayer, Bible study, and worship are keys to staying spiritually healthy. When we experience spiritual vitality, we enjoy the walk with God amid life’s challenges. We can have a life of spiritual healthy that radiates hope and purpose in a world that is so confused and dark.

8 Qualities of a Healthy Soul:

  1. An experience of grace that continues daily
  2. Living with expectancy with a strong faith in God.
  3. Seeing life from God’s perspective and responding to it accordingly.
  4. Being resilient when troubles or changes come unexpectantly
  5. Receiving and generously showing compassion to others.
  6. Having a passion and focus on the things of God.
  7. Having integrity in our relationship with God and others.
  8. A cultivated heart of gratitude.

It begins with Christ!

If you don’t know Christ as your savior, it begins with the first step. Committing your life to serve Him is the greatest decision you will make! Finally, for more information on serving the Lord: CLICK HERE!

Thank you for reading, How To Be Spiritually Healthy!



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