What God Does with Our Sins: Journey to 300: Day 93

Today, I am sharing a story and instruction from Rosalind Goforth, a missionary to China. Hope you are encouraged to stand against the temptations of…

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3 Ways to Realign Our Soul: Journey to 300~ Day 35

There seems to be a theme that is consistent through many of the messages, blog posts, and articles that have been shared lately.  It is a theme that may be a product of what we are experiencing in the world today, or it could be what God is speaking to the church.  Regardless, I believe that God's desire is for us to realign our soul with Him on a regular basis.

Journey to 300~ Day 30: Take Heart God Knows!

There is no way that our limited comprehension could understand all that God knows and does.  We are limited by our human capacity to understand every detail of God's knowledge and plan.  Regardless of how far our technological advances go, they will pale in comparison to God's unlimited capabilities.

Journey to 300~ Day 29: 5 Keys to Healthy Relationships with that Special Someone!

On this Valentine's day, there is much talk about love!  As a result, there will be a lot of flowers, chocolates, jewelry, and expressions of love that will be given. It is a reminder to us of the incredible opportunity we have to be in a relationship with that special someone! But the key to a healthy relationship is not the gifts, but the way that we talk with one another!

Fighting Fear

Yet, the angel tells Mary to not be afraid. I have often asked myself, how would Mary have dealt with her fear? Did she have relapses of fear in the days that followed this encounter?